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Prevention Is much eaiser then being a teen parent.
Preventing Teen Pregnancy
It has been found that teens who have a good relationship with their parents are less likely to experience a pregnancy.
Good communication between parents and their children is the key to ensuring children make the right decisions when it comes to their sexual activity.
Education is also vitally important in helping youth know about their options when it comes to sex. Teaching teens about using contraception each and every time they have sex is imperative to healthy sexual relationships.
Abstinence should also be taught along with contraception so that youth understand they have the right to choose. Teaching teens that it is okay to say "no" to sex until they are ready will help to curb the numbers of teen pregnancies.

You should make sure your teens feel ok talking to at least one parent or close family member and also but your teen on birth control even if they aren't having sex as a precation.