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This is my story as a teen mom.
My name is desirae and i am a 19 year old mom. I live in pensylvannia. I met my daughters father when i was 13. My 8th grade year and we started dating. I lived with my father and my stepmother  and i was not allowed to do anything, not even talk to guys let alone date so it was hard. I was working on being able to move in with my mom and so jeff and i decided things would be better if we remained friends till that happen and so we did.
Well during that friendship i started spending a lot of time at my stepsisters house and she always had different room mates living in her house. TO make a long story short one weekend while staying there i was raped.
Jeff and i talked a lot more often after that and it wasn't long after that i moved in with my mom full time.
About 7 months later jeff and i became a couple. About a week after that we started having sex and about 3 weeks into our second relasionship i pregnant and well things went downhill from there.
My mom was not happy, i was practically living at his house but she was trusting us to be responsible.
Jeff and i were together and engaged till i was five months pregnant with NO PROBLEMS after that things really started to go downhill as i had ended up in foster care and things were hard between jeff and i since that. Well we eventually broke up and well towards the end of my pregnancy got back together. That did not last long.
I love jeff with all of my heart but in the same i hate him with all i have, he has done nothing but hurt me since that he brought his new girlfriend to my labor room and when i left the hospital signed the paternity papers and then at the support hearing decded to denie his child. After all he did to me his family had the nerve to call and ask for my daughter for the weekend when she was only like 4 days old.
Now my pregnancy story.
I had a pretty good pregnancy overall, i had high blood pressure and was threatened to be on bed rest a few time i had all day sickness all ten months lol other then that things were good.
On may 9th i was in the hospital to have tests done and they told me i was having contractions and if i didn't deliver before the 12th they would induce labor. Well on the 11th my water broke at about 2 pm and i was taken to the hospital i was not having contractions as of 8pm so they induced labor and at 9 pm i started to have really bad contractions they were not even 30 seconds apart. At 11:12 pm they told me i was fully dialated and i could start to push well with how close my contractions were it didn't take long after that and i gave birth to a beautiful little baby girl at 11:22pm named alyzabeth she weighed 7lbs 4ozs and was 19.5 inches long her agpar scores were 9 and 9 and she was mostly healthy.
There are a few heart conditions that run in her fathers family and so they needed to run tests imediatly and unfortunitly she inheartied them all
she has a heart murmur, a whole in her heart that looks as if it will never close,
she also has a small ventricular septal defect
other then that she is healty.
I love my baby girl more then the whole entire world and would do absoulty anything for her. I will not lie being a mom at 15 was hard it was also hard to maintian striaght a's but i did it i also hold down a job, while attending college full time. While in foster care i switched to many homes and did end up in a great one till i came home and now  they no longer do foster care. They are like a family to us. My stepfather passed away while i was in foster care so things are much harder here now. While attending another high school i was enrolled in a web page design class and as my final project did a teen mom website and so i figured i would do a replicate of it for many people to veiw and so here it is.

And although there are compliants in here i would not trade this for the world.
check out my daughters wesbite at

and don't forget to sign the guestbook
and the password is alyzabeth.