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Most people think a missed period is the only warning sign that you might be pregnant. Not so.
There are a number of things that occur very soon after a baby has been conceived - both to the mother and the baby!

First of all, here are some things to think about. You could conceive a baby within one hour after having sex!
And within the next few hours as the egg and sperm combine, everything about this new life is determined by the parents
whether this is a boy or girl
the color of hair, eyes, and skin
the configuration of face and body
the tendency to be short or tall, fat or lean
likelihood of being ruggedly healthy or prone to disease
even certain qualities of temperament and intelligence
And you don't have a clue this has happened in a few short hours.
But you're worried. Maybe you didn't mean to have sex, and now you're scared. Here are some things that might help.

Are You Pregnant?

When was your last period and when is your next one due? The greatest likelihood of becoming pregnant occurs just about
mid-way between periods. Is that when you had sex?

 If conception has taken place, about 8 days later some women experience spotting (like a very light period but not) and
some cramps. This doesn't happen to everybody, but it can be a sign that something is happening in your body. That
"something" is actually the unborn child implanting itself in the uterine wall where it will grow for the next nine months.

 If you are pregnant, because of the changes taking place inside your body, as early as one week after conception, you may
feel extremely tired at any time during the day.

 Sometimes as early as one to two weeks after conception, some women notice that their breasts are tender to touch or
slightly swollen.

 Areolas are the skin around your nipples, and pregnancy causes this skin to darken.

 This is one of the most common indicators that conception may have taken place. However, some women still have "mini"
periods even while pregnant, but this would be very light and for a very short time. Meanwhile, if you are pregnant, by
about the time you've missed your period, your baby's heart has started beating.

 If you are pregnant, the sudden rise of hormones in your body may cause you to have headaches.

 If you are pregnant, nausea may occur between 2 and 8 weeks after conception. This can occur any time of day, not just
mornings. Some women never experience this, and others do. It's during this time period that your baby has been growing
rapidly. By about 6 weeks his/her brain waves can be recorded, and by 8 weeks his/her body is complete, right down to the
fingerprints which will be carried throughout life.

 If you have several of these early pregnancy symptoms, the best thing to do now is have a pregnancy test to confirm or deny
 your suspicions. Do not wait!

You don't have to come up with the money or sneak into a pharmacy to get a pregnancy test. If you think you might be
pregnant, here's an easy way to find out.

Click here to connect to Optionline.org where you can get help with a free pregnancy test and confidential information.
You can have your questions and concerns answered by e-mail or phone, and they are there to help no matter where you are
 or what your circumstances.